Friday, November 23, 2012

Tell the Government: Don't Shut Down the Ozone Prediction Service

Tell the Government: Don't Shut Down the Ozone Prediction Service

The National Weather Service may close down their ozone prediction service as early as March 5th.

The NWS measures and predicts ozone levels so people across the country know when they will have periods of poor air quality, how bad those periods will be and how long they will last. Countless families rely on those hour-by-hour updates to know when it's dangerous for children to go outside and play.

We only have until Monday, November 26th, to tell the NWS to keep this vital program alive. This service is of enormous benefit to public health, and we've already paid for the development of the NWS's ozone guidance system.

Join us in telling the NWS that they cannot let this vital service go dark before the Monday deadline: or

The letter:
Keep the ozone prediction service going!
Families across the country are relying on your ozone prediction service to tell us when to expect periods of bad air quality, how bad those periods will be and how long they will last.
That service provides us hour-by-hour information on air quality, which lets us know when to keep our children indoors due to dangerous air pollution.
Now we're hearing that you might shut down the ozone prediction service as early as March 5th--and we only have until Monday, November 26th, to tell you that we oppose letting it go dark.
The ozone prediction service is of enormous benefit to public health--ozone triggers asthma, breathing difficulties, strokes, and is bad for our hearts.
The ozone guidance system has already been built and the cost of keeping the system going is minimal. Why not make the fossil fuel companies responsible for ozone pollution use their billions of dollars in profits to keep this lifesaving service going?
I urge you to keep the ozone prediction service running, for the sake of our children and their health.