Thursday, March 8, 2012

Santorum criticized the Obama administration on Uranium Mining

Comment:  What is up with America's leaders supporting mining to create jobs but destroy our air, water and our lives?  Greed, the companies are passing out monies to America's leaders like candy and the evil jerks love it.  Keep the uranium mining everywhere!

by Shaun McKinnon - Feb. 28, 2012 09:54 PM
The Republic |
In his comments to supporters, Santorum criticized the Obama administration for what they see as its failure on a broad array of issues, including the president's refusal to open public lands to mining, timber and other natural-resource production, a topic that resonates with many conservatives in Arizona.

GOP leaders here believe the federal government could create more jobs and reduce wildfire risk if it eased restrictions on logging in forests and want to lift a new ban on uranium mining near the Grand Canyon.

"We can put millions of Americans back to work if we would unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of our energy economy," Santorum said. "We can do it all, but we have a president who says no. We have a president who, when given the opportunity to open up lands for mining and oil, says no."

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