Monday, March 19, 2012

Del. Don Merricks/House of Delegates, 16th District/Del. James E. Edmunds II/House of Delegates, 60th District: Uranium Mining

Comments:  Thanks for your comments about u mining, where is Ruff?  Keep the uranium mining ban!

Posted: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:49 am
This past Saturday at approximately 10 p.m., we adjourned the 2012 session of the General Assembly

This past week, Speaker Howell appointed me to the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission. In addition, the chairman of the commission, Del. Terry Kilgore, appointed me to the Uranium Mining Subcommittee. I strongly felt that someone from southern Virginia needed to be appointed to this committee, and I am honored to have been appointed. It would have been easy for me to say no; however, saying no would not have been the right thing to do.

The decision of whether or not to allow the mining and milling of uranium in the commonwealth will most likely be the most important decision the General Assembly will address in this decade, if not longer. I will strive to keep the process as transparent as possible as we move forward. The issues raised in the National Academy study must be fully vetted and analyzed to determine if these risks can be mitigated and, if so, how and at what cost. Each hurdle must be addressed and determined if it’s possible to eliminate the hurdle before moving on to the next hurdle. This will not be easy and there are no easy answers. This is a very serious issue and we must get this right.

I realize there are those who don’t think this can be done under any circumstances, and I also understand there are those who think we can do this under current circumstances. I realize the work will not be easy, and I also realize that whatever side one finds himself, it will be the wrong side. I have never thought of myself as one who shoots from the hip and I don’t consider myself an extremist. My role is to weigh the facts and represent the concerns of the citizens I represent and that is what I plan to do.

Posted: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:47 am

As my third session of serving you in the General Assembly ends, I wanted to update you on some of the issues we addressed this year. This has been the long, 60-day session, and I am ready to be back in the district! During this session, we looked at over 2,500 bills, many of which were not passed. I continued to serve on three committees: Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources; Counties, Cities and Towns; and Militia, Police and Public Safety. In addition, I served on two subcommittees.

most important legislation that has been passed by both the House and Senate, along with a brief description. I encourage you to go online and read the full bill by logging onto the state website,, and typing in the bill number.

Another issue of critical importance to the state is the possible mining of uranium. Virginia Uranium continues to actively lobby legislators to lift the state’s 30-year ban on uranium mining. It is expected that a bill will be introduced next year to lift the ban
Don’t hesitate to contact me at any time at 434-476-0077 or by email at Additional information can be found on my website,