On December 9, 2003, Canadian-owned
Glamis Gold filed a Notice of Arbitration under the arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) demanding over $50 million in compensation.
The company is alleging that the government of the United States has breached its obligations under Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement, including the following provisions:
Meridian Gold's Toxic History in the USA
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Mines owned or run by Meridian Gold have created serious toxic pollution in at least three locations in the United States. One of the largest emitters of atmospheric mercury in the US is the Jerritt Canyon Mine in Nevada, which was part-owned by Meridian until its recent sale. This mine emits more than 10 times the amount of mercury released by a typical US power plant. The tailings facility at Jerritt Canyon has been leaking since it was constructed in the 1980s.
Placer Dome Case Study: Golden Sunlight Mine (Montana, USA)
Tuesday, April 30, 2002