Beyond Nuclear is proud to endorse "Unplug Nuclear Power" to mark the second year of the still-unfolding Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.
The Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011 proved once and for all that nuclear power is too dangerous, too dirty, and too expensive to continue. An entire region of Japan, home to more than 200,000 people is now radioactively contaminated and is uninhabitable, probably forever. We cannot allow this kind of disaster to happen again. Yet, the electric utility companies continue to promote and use nuclear power. They value money over our environment or our personal safety. So, on March 11, thousands of people around the Country and from around the world will join together to teach the utility companies a lesson--we do not need them or nuclear power to survive. By using as little grid-supplied power as possible on that day, we will not only cost the utilities money, we will be declaring our independence from dirty, centralized, unsustainable generation technologies.
March 9th human chain in Paris to remember Fukushima
Démesurément dangereux et coûteux, le nucléaire soumet les humains et tous les êtres vivants à des pollutions et à une menace inacceptables. Hiroshima, Tchernobyl, Fukushima : aucune autre technologie n’a créé en si peu de temps des catastrophes si « durables ». Avec 58 réacteurs, le parc nucléaire français représente un risque majeur, pour nous et nos voisins européens. Attendrons-nous que la centrale de Nogent-sur-Seine, à 95 km de Paris, devienne le Fukushima français ?
Immeasurably dangerous and expensive, nuclear energy submits humans and all other living things to contamination and an unacceptable threat. Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Fukushima: no other technology can, in such short time, create such "long-lasting" catastrophes. With 58 reactors, the French nuclear complex represents a major risk, for us and for our European neigbors. Are we going to wait for the Nogent-sur-Seine reactor, 95 kilometers from Paris, to become the French Fukushima?
[Express] Greenpeace “Don’t let HITACHI walk away from Fukushima disaster”
Posted by Mochizuki on March 7th, 2013 ·
Greenpeace in Germany protested against HITACHI to make them take their responsibility for Fukushima.
![[Express] Greenpeace "Don't let HITACHI walk away from Fukushima disaster" [Express] Greenpeace "Don't let HITACHI walk away from Fukushima disaster"](
Hot Water--new film on uranium mining and our atomic legacy--premieres at DC Environmental Film Festival March 12. Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Elizabeth Kucinich (executive producer) will be there.
Greenpeace in Germany protested against HITACHI to make them take their responsibility for Fukushima.
Hot Water--new film on uranium mining and our atomic legacy--premieres at DC Environmental Film Festival March 12. Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Elizabeth Kucinich (executive producer) will be there.