Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time running out for nominations on uranium committee

Comment:  People of Virginia, send in your candidates now before it is too late!  No to uranium mining!

By John Crane
Published: April 15, 2010

Time is running out for those wanting to nominate someone for the committee that will study to determine whether uranium can be mined and milled safely in Virginia.

“There is no specified deadline for submitting nominations, but they are unlikely to be considered if they do not get submitted by the end of next week,” said Jennifer Walsh, spokeswoman for the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council, citing an e-mail from the study director for the project.

The NAS/NRC is conducting the study that will focus on the scientific and technical aspects of uranium mining and milling. NAS/NRC officials expect it to be completed in the fall of 2011.

The committee will include about a dozen people with expertise in ecology, ground and surface water hydrogeochemistry, environmental and mining law, environmental remediation, geology, health communications, mine safety, mine regulation and reclamation, radiation health effects and uranium mining, milling, processing and engineering.

Nominations, which are handled by the NAS’s Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, can be sent to Nick Rogers at nrogers@nas.eduwith cc to David Feary at
, or by calling (202) 334-2744.

Selection of the committee is the study’s first step, Walsh said. The committee will perform the study, hold meetings to deliberate and eventually write the report, Walsh said.

The nominated committee will be posted later on the NAS’s Web site at, for a 21-day public comment period, Walsh said. NAS/NRC staff will select the committee and the president will grant final approval, Walsh said.

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