Friday, April 16, 2010

High uranium levels found near Denver water supply

Schwartzwalder underground uranium mine near Golden, Colorado.

Comment: Oh, no, Ace has drunken water from Golden, uranium, the ore that keeps on giving! No to uranium mining!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Associated Press

DENVER — Groundwater near a creek that flows into Denver's water supply contains uranium levels that are 1,000 times higher than the human health standards.

State health officials say contamination at Cotter Corp.'s closed Schwartzwalder Mine is approaching emergency conditions and has given the company until Monday to submit a plan to deal with it.

The mine in Jefferson County is near Ralston Creek, which flows into Denver Water's Ralston Reservoir. The reservoir supplies water to Denver and Arvada.

A defunct uranium mine in Jefferson County is contaminating groundwater near a reservoir, but government regulators and mine executives have yet to settle on a plan for cleanup.

Uranium concentrations in groundwater 30 feet beneath the brim of the Schwartzwalder Mine exceed the human health standard for uranium by more than 1,000 times, according to state records reviewed Thursday.

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