Friday, April 16, 2010

Obama orders full-scale inspections of troubled U.S. mines

Comment:  The so call strict federal mining the uranium bunch are always preaching to us fighting uranium mining are not being enforced and it killed 29 miners plus more in the past!  Demand our leaders to enforce laws, it is simple! 

The president meets with mine and labor officials concerning the April 5 disaster in West Virginia that killed 29 coal miners. He cites loophole-riddled laws that allow safety risks.

April 15, 2010
By Christi Parsons

Reporting from Washington — President Obama on Thursday ordered top federal officials to launch full-scale inspections of mines with troubling safety records and to work to tighten laws governing energy companies that "put their bottom lines ahead of their workers' safety."

The survivors of the Montcoal mining disaster needed people's prayers, Obama said, but that wasn't all.

"We owe them more than prayers," the president said, speaking to reporters in the Rose Garden after the morning meeting. "We owe them action."

Initial reviews suggested the disaster was a failure of management and oversight, Obama said, as well as "laws so riddled with loopholes" that they allowed a series of warnings about safety to go unheeded.

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