Friday, March 26, 2010

Water concerns delay Wyoming uranium projects

Comment:  Is the EPA finally doing their job to protect our water?  No to uranium mining!

Associated Press - March 26, 2010 3:55 PM ET

CASPER, Wyo. (AP) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expressing concern about potential contamination of aquifers from three proposed in-situ uranium mines in Wyoming.

The EPA has told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to go back revisit its environmental reviews of the proposed mines.

The in-situ method of mining uranium involves flushing a solution through a formation to dissolve the underground uranium, which is then pumped to the surface.

Carol Rushin, of the EPA's Region 8 office, notes that the three proposed Wyoming mines would not inject wastewater deep enough to avoid underground drinking water formations.

Information from: Star-Tribune,