Friday, March 26, 2010

Uranium in her drinking well

Comment:  Help Colorado fight uranium mining and milling, they have been poison in the past but we do not want Virginia to even start uranium mining or milling!  No to uranium mining and milling!
Fremont County resident Sharyn Cunningham and her family have had lot of health troubles that were never a part of her family's health history, including cancer, thyroid disease, diabetes, and other issues.

It turns out that for eight years, the Cunningham family had been drinking and cooking with water contaminaed by uranium and other toxic metal from the local uranium mill.

We need to make sure that no family is unknowingly exposed to toxic drinking water.

Call on Colorado Legislators to hold uranium companies accountable for cleaning up their toxic mess.

Sharyn Cunningham and her family moved to the Lincoln Park area just outside Canon City in 1994 to enjoy the good life near the Arkansas River and the Royal Gorge. Instead, they were unwittingly poisoning themselves, and ended up in the fight of their life against a uranium company.

Imagine how it would feel to know that you and your family had been drinking water poisoned with toxic metals, including uranium, for eight years.

While it's incredibly difficult to prove that toxic pollution is the root cause of health impacts, one thing is certain: Sharyn and her family never would have drank the water if they had known there was uranium pollution in it!

We need to stand up to the polluters to hold them accountable: The Cotter Corporation's uranium mill has polluted more than 1.3 billion gallons of water in the area near Sharyn's neighborhood. That's enough to cover more than 4,000 football fields with a foot of water or provide water to more than 8,000 households in one year.

Despite the known contamination, Cotter doesn't have to tell residents about the threat, and in 2008, another seven families were found using contaminated well water. Cotter's groundwater pollution has persisted for decades and even increased in some areas.

Colorado is poised to advance a new law to address this: The Colorado House of Representatives is set to vote soon on House Bill 1348, the Uranium Processing Accountability Act.

Help us make sure uranium companies clean up their mess and inform residents about contaminated groundwater. Please ask your state representative to take action today!