Comments: Posting will be done on the pages plus just follow me on FaceBook: Deborah Dix
It seems like the everyday person in our county we are fighting someone in our county whose greed override clean water, air and land. I do extreme research in all my postings plus I do it because I feed it is my heart desire to protect our land, air, water and our rights. I guess my concerns is to protect our Mother Earth and the concerns may comes from my Native American Great Grandmother: Moon Pleasant.
Here are the following environmental concerns and issues :
- Poultry Industrial Farming/Processing Center:
- Pipelines: it is about people personal property rights and moving to green energy
- Biosolids spreading: Sludge is full of heavy metals/disease
- Setbacks wanted by certain party so they can spread sludge
- Keep the Ban Uranium Mining
- Coal Ash: move all ash ponds off our rivers and move to modern green energy
Biosolids: No to Setbacks based on spreading of sludge
Pittsylvania County Setbacks group selects leaders :
Subcommittee grapples with how to balance agricultural, residential interests:
The Agricultural Development Board is proposing that residential property owners bordering farmland be required by the county to abide by the same requirements that farmers adjoining residential dwellings must follow.
According to guidelines from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, farmers cannot operate — such as spreading biosolids or manure — within 200 feet of an occupied dwelling or within 100 feet of a well.
Supports Uranium Mining: Pittsylvania County Farm Bureau’s stance on mining differs from statewide group: “We feel we should be able to harvest our products and be they animal, vegetable or mineral Another dude who raises beef cattle in Gretna, says he supports VUI’s efforts