Monday, May 12, 2014

Do not restart nuclear power plants in Japan

Dear Japan's PM Abe: Do not restart nuclear power plants in Japan

Dear Japan's PM Abe: Do not restart nuclear power plants in Japan

Why this is important to me

(Japanese below; 日本語原文は下に貼付)

Dear people of the world, please lend us a hand.

Right now, our Japanese government is rushing to restart 10 idled nuclear power reactors by summer, 2014.

3 years have passed since the start of the nuclear accident on March 11, 2011, but the disaster is still far from over. Residents in the Fukushima area, including children and workers at the nuclear power plant, are still being exposed to radiation.

It has been 3 years since the meltdown in Fukushima. All of the 54 existing nuclear powerplants in Japan have been shut down since Sep. 2013 for maintenance. Since then, the Japanese people have carried on and have found sufficient electricity from other sources.

We have proven to the world, and to ourselves, that we have do not need to take the huge risk of nuclear power, an energy sustained at the cost of many lives - from its beginnings in unsafe uranium mining to the consequences of nuclear powerplant operation.

Contamination continues to spread, and the problem is not just contained within Fukushima or Japan. A large amount of contaminated water is leaking into the groundwater and the ocean.

This effects of this disaster will not only effect those alive today: nuclear waste produced will last over 100,000 years! How can one generation alone decide to burden the future with a poisonous legacy?

To protect lives, and to protect children, we cannot restart idled nuclear power plants. We cannot protect our children, or our own lives, without a world-wide appeal.

To protect the future, we have stood up as the Million Mothers.We invite you to join us. Help us to build a global movement.From wherever you are, please raise your voice against the restarting of the nuclear powerplants in Japan.

Please appeal to the Japanese government; 1. to bring the annual radiation exposure limit back to the international standard of 1 mSv.2. not to restart the nuclear powerplants in Japan, a place with an extrememly high number of earthquakes.Dear people in the world, please, lend us a hand.

The Million Mothers
*"The Million Mothers" is a network of people of all ages and gender who share a "motherly concern" to protect and treasure the lives of children. Everyone is welcome to join us.








1. 年間の被ばく限度量を、国際基準の1ミリシーベルトに引き下げる
2. これほど地震が頻発する日本で、原発を再稼働させない

