Friday, September 20, 2013

Freeda Cathcart for Delegate

Comments:  Please vote for Ms. Carthcart!


Freeda Cathcart will represent the values we believe in:

  • Investing  in education to prepare our children for the jobs of the future.
  • Protecting women’s lives by providing them with access to affordable reproductive health care.
  • Preserving our natural heritage from industries that pollute our air and drinking water.
  • Rebuilding Virginia’s infrastructure.
  • Protecting senior citizen’s Social Security and Medicare.


These are a series of editorals published in the Roanoke Times Freeda has written on various issues that have faced the commonwealth.
Protecting the Integrity of the Vote.

Health Care Insurance Exchange.

Uranium Mining is Bad for Business and Uranium Mining in Virginia 

Government at its most inefficient