Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother’s Day -- if you can -- send a card to your mother. Or give her a call and tell the Senate to stand with moms & kids -- not with the gun lobby:

Send a card to your senator

I  still have one of the last Mother’s Day cards my daughter, Christina-Taylor Green, gave me.

She was just nine years old when she was murdered in the mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona. She only gave me a few cards, but I cherish them all.

This Mother’s Day -- if you can -- send a card to your mother. Or give her a call.

But today, I hope you’ll take a minute to stand with moms who won’t hear from their children this Sunday. The moms of Columbine. Virginia Tech. Tucson. Aurora. And Newtown. The moms of the 33 people who are murdered with guns every single day in this country.

Join me in telling the Senate to stand with moms & kids -- not with the gun lobby:

Give your senators a call and tell them to support expanded background checks that will save lives.

Or click here to send a Mother’s Day card to your senators that Mayors Against Illegal Guns is delivering to senators offices across the country.

The US Senate blocked legislation that would have expanded background checks and kept guns out of the hands of dangerous people. They went against the will of more than 90% of Americans who support background checks for all gun sales.

Join me and other moms in thanking those who did the right thing and telling those who voted against background checks that they should be ashamed.

Call your senators and tell them you stand with moms:

Or send them a personalized Mother’s Day card and let them know how you feel:

Thank you for getting involved.

I know there's nothing we can do to bring back all the children who have been murdered with guns. But we can do our best to make sure no other families have to go through this pain.

Happy Mother’s Day,

Roxanna Green
Mayors Against Illegal Guns