Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Uranium mining just not worth it

To the editor:
I have been reading the letters to the editor, which I have collected and saved for some time. Now I feel compelled to write my own.
Somebody wrote that if God had not wanted us to mine the uranium in the ground he wouldn’t have put it there. That sounds like the same reasoning some sect has about snake handling.
Just because he created it, in my view, doesn’t mean that we should take it out and play around with it. It’s bad! Are we going to take the chance that we are killing our little piece of the planet and all its inhabitants?
Some say it will create jobs. Are there enough jobs in the world to risk that?

The same can be said of drilling for oil in the oceans, and we have seen the devastation that can cause. If we are careful and do it right, it’s harmless. OK, so what happens if there is an error on the part of the people in charge of the operation?

Or, by some fluke there is a "superstorm" like the one we’ve just seen in New Jersey.

Chances are that the people responsible for the safe and harmless mining won’t even be around to witness the devastation their acts have caused.

Do we really want to create a few jobs and take the risk, or even a whole bunch of jobs? At what price do we take the necessary risks? Is it really worth it?

I hope the people responsible will think long and hard about this before a decision is made.
