Friday, December 7, 2012

Powerful opposition growing against nuclear waste in Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Aboriginal Women’s Circle Corporation of Saskatchewan also passed a resolution last year, opposing the transportation and storage of nuclear waste in Saskatchewan. The resolution was then adopted by the Native Women’s Association of Canada at its annual general assembly held in Saskatoon in August 2012.

Stopping Nuclear Waste in its Tracks Communities, Indigenous organizations pass resolutions against transportation and storage of nuclear waste in Saskatchewan The Dominion, by SANDRA CUFFE, 8 Oct 12, Growing numbers of communities in Saskatchewan are vowing to block nuclear waste from being transported through their territory BEAUVAL, SK—Three places in northern Saskatchewan may be on the map in Canada’s search for a high-level radioactive waste dump site, but the spent nuclear fuel bundles may be stopped in their tracks.

Communities and Indigenous organizations along potential transport routes and

beyond have been passing resolutions against nuclear waste.

The Northern Village of Pinehouse, English River First Nation and the

town of Creighton are all currently in the Nuclear Waste Management

Organization (NWMO) site selection process to find a “willing host

community” for a deep geological repository to house the waste piling

up at nuclear reactors in Quebec, New Brunswick and especially

Ontario.Canoe Lake First Nation, the town of La Loche, trappers from

the Fur Block near Beauval, the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, the

Saskatchewan Aboriginal Women’s Circle Corporation (SAWCC) and the

Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) have all formally opposed

the transportation and storage of nuclear waste in Saskatchewan.

Others criticize NWMO for refusing to deal with site selection process

on a regional basis, even though a decision would affect much more

than a single community.

Emil Bell has been educating Band and town councilors about the

Nuclear Waste Management Organization process and the dangers of

nuclear waste. A Cree grassroots activist, he lives in Fire Lake,

outside of the Canoe Lake First Nation reserve.

“Canoe Lake is against this whole thing,” Bell told the Media Co-op.

Located in northwestern Saskatchewan, east of the Cold Lake Air

Weapons Range and tar sands exploitation, the First Nation passed a

Band Council Resolution against the transportation and storage of

nuclear waste.

“I was the one that was going around, getting all the signatures of

the councilors,” said Bell. “They are dead set against the nuclear

dump. It goes against our Treaty rights, our inherent rights. If we

get a major disaster wherever they put the nuclear dump, our waterways

are, you know, shot. Animal life, the plant life, are going to be

drastically affected.”

Bell has been traveling up and down the province, meeting with other

First Nations, municipal authorities and groups and urging them to

take an official stance against the transportation and storage of

nuclear waste. “There’s a few of us that are going around, doing a lot

of work, and we do it out of our own pocket,” he said.

But northern activists are not the only ones speaking about nuclear

waste in the region. “The nuclear industry people, NWMO, have a lot of

money. They’re also going around, trying to convince people to, you

know, accept the nuclear dump [with] the promise of a lot of money,

the promise of jobs…they keep telling people ‘oh yeah, it’s safe,

it’s safe,’” Bell told the Media Co-op.

The predominantly Métis community of Île-à-la-Crosse has yet to take

an official position on nuclear waste transportation and storage and

will likely revisit the issue after the October 24 municipal

elections. Île-à-la-Crosse Mayor Duane Favel says he and others

requested that NWMO communicate and deal with municipalities in

northwestern Saskatchewan collectively because a nuclear waste

repository in the area would impact the entire region……

we were successful in getting a two thirds majority approval at the

assembly, for the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan to take the official

position to oppose the storage and transportation of high-level

nuclear waste anywhere in Saskatchewan,” said Lee.

The Saskatchewan Aboriginal Women’s Circle Corporation of Saskatchewan

also passed a resolution last year, opposing the transportation and

storage of nuclear waste in Saskatchewan. The resolution was then

adopted by the Native Women’s Association of Canada at its annual

general assembly held in Saskatoon in August 2012.

The town of La Loche and the trappers’ organization from a Fur Block

in the Beauval area have also passed similar resolutions. More

communities and organizations are currently considering taking an

official stance against nuclear waste in the province.

NWMO is moving forward in its search and Pinehouse, English River

First Nation and Creighton are still under consideration. But with all

the resolutions against nuclear waste transportation, whether the

high-level radioactive waste would ever make it to a storage site in

northern Saskatchewan without roadblocks along the way is beginning to

look increasingly unlikely.