Monday, November 19, 2012

Some supervisors aren’t listening to people


Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2012 1:32 pm

To the editor,

I attended the Oct. 1 meeting of our Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, as well as the quickly called and shortly announced meeting on Oct. 10.

In the first meeting, Mr. Ecker motioned for the Board of Supervisors to take a stand against uranium mining in our county, but conceded to opposition to at least get a discussion of it, which was voted for, 5-2.

Suddenly, less than 10 days later, there’s a hasty, not very well publicized meeting to vote on a “rescind”(“I take it back”) motion.

All supervisors voted to say they didn’t mean it, (the “compromise”) but three voted against lifting the ban on uranium mining.

Three voted to protect our community against this huge steamrolling of our lives, while a fourth abstained.

I must wonder what made this happen, especially in review of recent publication regarding Mr. Stanley’s input into our local government.

At this meeting, Mr. Snead voted against letting citizens be heard, even though it was a public meeting. Citizens were not heard.

At this meeting, Ms. Bowman(previously Mr. Stanley’s employee) reiterated (from Oct. 1) that she needed for the board to get together and discuss this, since they hadn’t yet.

Well, where ya’ll been? In a cave? Haven’t you been hearing from your constituents for almost five years?

More importantly, in the Oct. 1 meeting, Ms. Bowman said that she represented not only those against uranium mining, but also those in favor of it.

As well she should, but in the final analysis, her obligation is to vote for the majority of her constituents, because it is not her decision, it is ours, and many polls have shown that the Chatham district and most of the rest of the county and the whole state don’t want this.

We have made our voices heard, and for some reason, four people aren’t listening, and that constitutes negligence of duty and raises many questions about the reticence of our representatives to represent us.

Linda Worsley