Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Greener Thanksgiving

Here's Everything You Need for an Earth-Friendly — and Delicious — Thanksgiving Meal.

I always have Thanksgiving with my friends and everybody brings a dish. Fortunately, my friends are good cooks.”
—Alice Waters, Chez Panisse

Time to give thanks ... and to celebrate with the delicious harvest of the local farmers and food artisans who bring to market the freshest produce, the most sustainably and compassionately-raised livestock, gorgeous hand-made breads and those delicious artisanal cheeses, preserves, and more.

When you shop locally for your Thanksgiving feast, you're celebrating the glory of real foods — organic and heirloom vegetables, whole grains, fresh seafood — most of which are raised without many hormones and pesticides. And because these foods are local, you reduce the number of miles between your plate and the farm, which is important to those of us concerned about the overuse of fossil fuels.

To get you started deliciously, we've assembled fabulous recipes from top chefs, a compendium of the prettiest local pumpkins for your pies, tips for finding heritage turkeys, and more. Use as many local ingredients as you can find, buy organics for the rest ... relax ... and enjoy!

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