An anti-uranium group volunteer Jasmine Lavelace, of Gretna, writes down questions for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Gov. Bob McDonnell’s Uranium Working Group meeting on Aug.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission answers what if's in uranium debate
WDBJ7 Reporter
6:45 p.m.
EDT, August
2, 2012
A national regulation group spent hours
answering a loaded question about uranium mining: what if?
As the state's Uranium Working Group sets
the stage for the next General Assembly, researchers are studying the impacts it
could have on this area.
Advocates and opponents drove hours to
protest with a painting or support with a simple sticker before a uranium
meeting in Chatham.,0,72120.story,0,72120.story
NRC talk about regulations at uranium forum
By: | GoDanRiver
Published: August 02, 2012
Published: August 02, 2012
It was an alphabet soup of regulatory acronyms as the
governor’s Uranium Working Group held a joint public forum with the federal
Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday night to explain how a uranium mine,
like the one proposed at Cole’s Hill, would be regulated.
About 150 people — most wearing “Keep the Ban” stickers, but a
noticeable percentage sporting “Jobs, Mine Uranium, Energy” stickers — gathered
at the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex in Chatham to hear from
representatives of different departments of the NRC talk about regulations and
operations at conventional uranium mills, uranium recovery programs and how
Virginia could opt to oversee regulations instead of having the NRC handle
The meeting started with Cathie France, deputy director for
the state’s Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy and a member of the working
group, giving an update on what the working group is doing.
France said feedback from the public has increased, with a
petition being submitted with 317 signatures to keep the uranium mining ban in
place in Virginia, while 290 postcards arrived in support of mining. The group’s
website saw 31 new comments, France said: seven opposing mining, four supporting
it and the rest asking for information.
NRC Public Meeting on Uranium Mining
Chatham, VA -- The Governor's uranium working group held a public meeting Thursday night with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Old Dominion Agricultural Complex in Chatham. The NRC spoke about what their role would be if the uranium mining ban is lifted. They would regulate milling and tailing, what happens with the remainder product, and Virginia would regulate mining.
The NRC representatives made it clear they are neutral. The group is working for public safety.