June 27, 2012
Dear Friends,
A nuclear-free, carbon-free future is on the way. We're convinced of that. But it's moving much too slowly. Today, we took a big step to pick up the pace.
36 organizations, including NIRS, have joined together to fight for a new American Clean Energy Agenda and create a renewable energy reality by 2030. We hope you will join us.
This effort began with a conference in April sponsored by the Civil Society Institute and Environmental Working Group. They brought together a disparate batch of national, regional and local groups seemingly working on a lot of very different issues: nuclear power, coal, oil, fracking, unsustainable biomass. But, in reality, we are all fighting for the same thing: building a safe, clean and affordable nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future.
The dirty energy interests count on being able to divide us and marginalize us. They are much less afraid of a lot of small groups, too narrowly-focused and resource-deprived, to work effectively on the big picture. No more. Even as we all keep our focuses and irreplaceable expertise, we also see the big picture and are united in our vow to keep dirty energy out of a "clean energy standard," and to speed the implementation of genuinely clean energy.
Today's press release announcing this is here.
The principles that the initial 36 groups have signed are here.
We hope you will join us:
Organizations: if your organization supports these principles and can join in this new effort, please send your name, title, organization name, address, phone and e-mail to nirsnet@nirs.org. You will be contacted with more info.
Individuals: if you support the American Clean Energy Agenda principles, please sign the petition here. We will be keeping this petition open for a few months, and will be presenting it to the new Congress early next year. That means there is plenty of time for outreach, education and mobilizing, and adding more signatures. Organizations: please encourage your members to sign the petition! Let's shock the new Congress with our numbers.
Make no mistake, the American people are with us. An April 25, 2012 poll commissioned by Civil Society Institute found that more than eight out of 10 Americans (83%)–including 69% of Republicans, 84% of Independents, and 95% of Democrats--agree with the following statement: “The time is now for a new, grassroots-driven politics to realize a renewable energy future."
No matter who wins the elections, no matter what the new Congress looks like, we will not sit back. We will not accept the status quo. We are going on the offensive. Join us.
And thanks for all you do,
Michael Mariotte
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service