Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Meeting: Clean Water and Clean Air Luncheon


Clean Water and Clean Air Luncheon
Come meet others in your region that want to protect our water, land and air. Receive campaign updates, educational materials and learn about ways to get involved.
Co-hosted by Virginia Conservation Network, Virginia League of Conservation Voters, Dan River Basin Association and the Keep the Ban on Uranium Mining Campaign.

What: A Clean Air and Clean Water Luncheon

Where: Pepsi Building, 661 Craghead St., Danville, VA 24541

When: Friday Aug. 9, noon - 1:30 p.m.

Who: Expert presenters and community volunteers like you

Cost: Free, but registration is required
Noon-12:20 Registration, lunch served

12:20-12:25 Welcome

12:25-12:35 "Proposed landfills affecting the Dan River" by Tiffany Hayworth

12:35-12:45 "The Clean Air Act and you" by Jeffrey Painter


12:45-1:15 "Uranium mining and drinking water" by Nathan Lott 


1:15-1:30 Q & A

Join us to hear an update on the Keep the Ban campaign, including the latest scoop on Governor Bob McDonnell's Uranium Working Group. You'll also get hands-on training in how to communicate effectively with elected officials. Armed with the facts and skills you need, you can be a voice to protect Virginia's health and heritage.
Event Location
Pepsi Building 661 Craighead Street
Danvillle, VA 24541

We all need clean air and clean water to lead healthy lives. Decisions are being made today in Washington and Richmond that will determine the safety of our environment -- including the monumental decision about whether or not to allow industrial uranium production in the Virginia countryside. That's why Virginia Conservation Network and the Virginia League of Conservation Voters are talking our message on the road this summer.

We are pleased to announce a newly added summer workshop in Danville on Aug. 10.  Join us for lunch, and you'll get updates on the looming decisions affecting your health.  Most importantly, you will learn how to get involved and make a difference.

What: A Clean Air and Clean Water Luncheon
Where: Pepsi Building, 661 Craghead St., Danville, VA 24541
When: Friday Aug. 10, noon - 1:30 p.m.
Who: Expert presenters and community volunteers like you
Cost: Free, but registration is required

Register: At www.vcnva.org or by calling 804-644-0283

Join us to hear an update on the Keep the Ban campaign, including the latest scoop on Governor Bob McDonnell's Uranium Working Group.  You'll also get hands-on training in how to communicate effectively with elected officials.  Armed with the facts and skills you need, you can be a voice to protect Virginia's health and heritage.
I look forward to seeing you there,