Monday, April 9, 2012

Tell the State Corporation Commission to Bring Clean Energy to Virginia

Tell the State Corporation Commission to Bring Clean Energy to Virginia

Dominion just submitted its long-term, 15 year energy plan, to the State Corporation Commission (SCC) and it does not include any large scale solar or wind for Virginia!
Dominion's lack of investment in clean, affordable, renewable energy keeps Virginia stuck with dirty coal energy and the unstable electricity rates that come with it. Fortunately, the State Corporation Commission (SCC) is accepting comments on the plan until May 1st, giving you and me an important opportunity to show our support for clean energy.
Send a message to the SCC urging them to invest in a clean energy future for Virginia.
  1. Complete the form below with your information.
  2. Personalize your message if you wish.
  3. Click the Send Your Message button to send your message to: State Corporation Commission and Dominion CEO Tom Farrell
Click here: