Monday, April 16, 2012

Halifax County supervisors, councils gather tonight to hear uranium report 4/16

Written by Staff
07:36 am 04/16/12

Andrew Lester, president of the Roanoke River Basin Association, is slated to present the association’s report on Virginia Beach Uranium Mining Phase II Study to the Halifax County Board of Supervisors and the South Boston and Halifax town councils tonight at 6 p.m. when they hold a joint meeting in the second floor conference room of the Mary Bethune Office Complex in Halifax.

Lester’s presentation will be a follow-up on the initial findings from Virginia Beach’s Study presented to the three governing bodies last October on the Impacts of Uranium Mining and Milling on the Banister River and Dan River in Halifax County along with the entire Roanoke River Basin downstream of the proposed uranium mining and milling operation at Coles Hill in Pittsylvania County, according to Halifax Town Manager Carl Espy.

Jack Dunavant, chairman of We the People of Virginia, said the program is expected to last about 20 minutes as supervisors and council members view a DVD program about the dangers uranium mining poses to the Banister River, Kerr Lake and Lake Gaston.