For far too long, Dominion Virginia Power has worked to rig the rules in favor of dirty fossil fuels and against clean, renewable energy. Despite generating zero wind or solar power, Dominion executives have gotten their buddies in the state legislature to gift the company with a $76 million renewable energy reward -- courtesy of Virginia ratepayers.
Enough is enough! Our friends at Chesapeake Climate Action Network have organized a rally at Dominion’s offices in Richmond, where hundreds of Virginians will join together to expose the company's dirty power dealings and tell them they have to live up to their clean energy rhetoric.
Sign up to join hundreds of Virginians in Richmond to End Dominion’s Power Madness.
WHAT: The MARCH to End Dominion’s Power MADNESS -- a rally to stop Dominion’s dirty energy rip-off and start a massive shift to wind and solar power.
Phil Radford, executive director of Greenpeace USA
Mike Tidwell, director of Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Phil Aroneanu, US campaign director for
Cathy Strickler, founder of Climate Action Alliance of the Valley
Emily Sherman, UMW student & core member of Virginia Alliance for a Cleaner Environment
WHEN: Saturday, March 24, 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. (plus a fun party afterwards).
WHERE: Kanawha Plaza, Canal and 8th St., Downtown Richmond.
KID-FRIENDLY?: Yes! Bring your whole family to this fun sports-themed rally in a park.
RAIN PLAN: Rain or shine.
Help us make the MARCH to End Dominion’s Power MADNESS the largest action for clean energy in Virginia’s history! Sign up and share the event with your friends:
Why do we need to stand up to Dominion? While it has resisted producing clean energy itself, Dominion has used its state-granted monopoly on energy production in Virginia to make sure no one else can either!
Virginians are outraged at being forced to rely on dirty energy sources like coal and Dominion needs to know it. Let's show Dominion executives that they can no longer get away with rigging the rules for fossil fuels and for themselves behind closed doors.
I’m headed to Richmond this Saturday to help surround the offices of Dominion Virginia Power alongside our friends at CCAN. Sign up to join us!
Hope to see you there,
Kurt Walters
Friends of the Earth
P.S. Our friend Bill McKibben from recorded a video explaining what is at stake and urging Virginians who care about our climate and environment to be in Richmond on Saturday. To watch the video, click here: