Remarks: Ms. Worley, you are not wrong, all of Virginia should not be sacrifice for the name of Greed! Our Rivers provides water to DC, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and all of her people, water is the most important thing in Life, we cannot live without Water. All uranium mining and mills ruin water, So Virginia, Keep the uranium ban! Thanks for the great letter!
By: |
Published: February 13, 2012
To the editor:
The letter, "Feds should ban it here, too" (Feb. 9, page A8), was so succinct and provocative.
If President Barack Obama thinks the Grand Canyon is worth saving from uranium mining, why isn’t Virginia, the birthplace of the nation and our own backyard, deserving of the same protection?
Why don’t we, as a community, region and state insist on it?
Our own president has acknowledged that uranium mining is a bad idea for one of our national treasures.
Or is it, "save the Grand Canyon and use Southside for the wasteland/tailings dump we must put somewhere, because we know they are not strong enough there to resist?
Too stressed out and too poor, they’ll swallow anything we throw at them for a few jobs, for a few years. They don’t know any better."
Please tell me they’re wrong.
Please tell me our elected representatives will agree that we are worth as much as the Grand Canyon — not a sacrifice zone.
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By: |
Published: February 13, 2012
The letter, "Feds should ban it here, too" (Feb. 9, page A8), was so succinct and provocative.
If President Barack Obama thinks the Grand Canyon is worth saving from uranium mining, why isn’t Virginia, the birthplace of the nation and our own backyard, deserving of the same protection?
Why don’t we, as a community, region and state insist on it?
Our own president has acknowledged that uranium mining is a bad idea for one of our national treasures.
Or is it, "save the Grand Canyon and use Southside for the wasteland/tailings dump we must put somewhere, because we know they are not strong enough there to resist?
Too stressed out and too poor, they’ll swallow anything we throw at them for a few jobs, for a few years. They don’t know any better."
Please tell me they’re wrong.
Please tell me our elected representatives will agree that we are worth as much as the Grand Canyon — not a sacrifice zone.
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