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Published: March 02, 2012
Published: March 02, 2012
To the editor:
Kudos to the author of "A daughter of Elliot Lake remembers" (Feb. 19, page
A11). The situation that the miner Gus Froebel faced was just one of untold
thousands that had to endure the ravages of uranium mining throughout Canada and
the American West.
It must have taken a great deal of courage for Froebel to have to deal with his disease and then fight the uranium industry in its attempt to cover up the dangers of uranium mining. The column’s author goes into detail about the devastating effect that uranium does to the human body. It was all mentioned in the column. These are the facts that the uranium mining companies do not want you to know.
On the other hand, the letter "Facts, not tall tales from Canada" (Feb. 27, page A6) is factually flawed. In the letter the author calls the column’s contention that uranium tailings give off far more radon than undisturbed ore as ridiculous
What is ridiculous is the claim that they do not. It has been proven that uranium ore left undisturbed is not a danger. When uranium is extracted, 85 percent of the radioactivity in the ore remains behind in the crushed rock. That crushed rock — or fine powder — are the tailings that are left behind and there will be millions of tons that have to be disposed of at Coles Hill. History has proven that the taxpayers have to pay the bill.
"A daughter of Elliot Lake remembers" was based on fact and not the over emotional rants of the uranium investors.
So let’s get the permanent ban done and done now.
It must have taken a great deal of courage for Froebel to have to deal with his disease and then fight the uranium industry in its attempt to cover up the dangers of uranium mining. The column’s author goes into detail about the devastating effect that uranium does to the human body. It was all mentioned in the column. These are the facts that the uranium mining companies do not want you to know.
On the other hand, the letter "Facts, not tall tales from Canada" (Feb. 27, page A6) is factually flawed. In the letter the author calls the column’s contention that uranium tailings give off far more radon than undisturbed ore as ridiculous
What is ridiculous is the claim that they do not. It has been proven that uranium ore left undisturbed is not a danger. When uranium is extracted, 85 percent of the radioactivity in the ore remains behind in the crushed rock. That crushed rock — or fine powder — are the tailings that are left behind and there will be millions of tons that have to be disposed of at Coles Hill. History has proven that the taxpayers have to pay the bill.
"A daughter of Elliot Lake remembers" was based on fact and not the over emotional rants of the uranium investors.
So let’s get the permanent ban done and done now.