Friday, July 16, 2010
Day of Death July 16: Remembering Church Rock uranium spill and atomic bomb detonation in New Mexico
Comment: The heartless Nuke bunch love to kill and experiment on people and they make taxpayers pay for their nuke bombs, nuke plants and kill us with uranium mining at any expense! Nuke power, the cycle of death!
Posted by Brenda Norrell - July 11, 2010 at 11:57 pm
Navajos and other New Mexicans remember secrecy and legacy of death from atomic bomb detonation and nuclear spill on July 16
By Brenda Norrell
CHURCH ROCK and TULAROSA, N.M. - As the Obama Administration plans more nuclear power plants, and corporations target Navajo communities with new uranium mining, Navajos and other New Mexicans will gather to remember the nuclear industry's legacy of death at Church Rock and Tularosa, N.M., on July 16.
It was on this day, July 16, 1945, when the first atomic bomb was detonated 35 miles southeast of Socorro, N.M., at the Trinity Site.
It was also on this day, July 16, 1979, when the Church Rock uranium mill tailings spill took place.
When an earthen tailings dam broke at the United Nuclear Corporation Church Rock Uranium Mill, large amounts of liquid radioactive waste spilled into the Puerco River in New Mexico, which eventually flowed downstream into Arizona. The majority of those living along the stream are Navajos.
"The Church Rock spill is second only to the 1986 Chernobyl meltdown for the amount of radiation released from an accident.
The spill contributed to the long-term contamination already present in the watershed from the release of untreated or poorly treated uranium mine water into the Puerco River," Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety said in a statement.
In terms of the amount of radiation released, this tragedy was comparable in magnitude to the Three Mile Island accident of the same year and has been reported as the largest radioactive accident in U.S. History.
Uranium Resources, Inc., and other corporations are once again targeting Navajos in the Church Rock area, and their drinking water, with new uranium mining.
Commemorative events are planned to serve as a reminder that the Dine' communities throughout the area still carry the burden of the uranium legacy to this day. Prayer walks, candlelight vigils and community education events will be held to remember these events in Church Rock.
The Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment will hold events in the Red Water Pond Road Community. From 7 to 9 am there will be a Prayer Walk on Highway 566 in remembrance of the communities affected by the spill.
There will be a commemoration proclamation and reaffirmation of the Navajo Nation's Uranium Mining Ban that was set forth in the Dine' Natural Resources Protection Act of 2005.
The Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium and Las Mujeres Hablan will hold a statewide gathering in Tularosa in support and remembrance of those who were exposed to the radiation released from the detonation of the first atomic bomb at the Trinity Test Site, near Socorro.
The Consortium will hold a candlelight vigil from 8 to 10 pm on Friday, July 16, for those who have lost loved ones to cancer or are cancer survivors. On Saturday, July 17, the Consortium and Las Mujeres Hablan will hold an all day community gathering at the Tularosa Community Center, beginning at 9 am.
Participants will have the opportunity to share their memories of the Trinity Test.
They will learn also about the amendments to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, proposed by Senator Udall, which would cover those exposed to radiation from the Trinity Test.
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