CNSC approves dam breaches for flooding of mined out Rabbit Lake mine
On Oct. 24, 2003, following a public hearing held on June 25, 2003 and September 24, 2003, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) confirmed that the CNSC Designated Officer may consider allowing the commencement of the breaching of the A-Zone dike at the Rabbit Lake Operation, following a review of the final project plans. The Commission further confirmed that the CNSC Designated Officer may consider and make a decision on a future application for the breaching of the D Zone dike that is anticipated during the period of the licence.The Commission notes that the decision on whether to permit the remediation of the B-Zone pit, waste rock pile, and ore storage pad will be made by the Commission following a public hearing on the matter.
> View CNSC News release Oct. 24, 2003
> Download CNSC Hearing Transcript: June 25, 2003
> Download CNSC Record of Proceedings, including the Reasons for Decision
ICUC opposes proposed flooding of mined out Rabbit Lake mine
The Inter Church Uranium Committee (ICUC) opposes Cameco's proposal to flood the Rabbit Lake open pit mine by opening the dam that separates it from Wollaston Lake. Cameco already received a pre-license from CNSC to tear down the dam. ICUC fears that radioactive particles will move into the lake in the long term. (Radio Canada Aug. 11, 2003)> View more Rabbit Lake issues :