People of Canada and Virginia weakening the Uranium Mining Companies!
Comments: The following statement is great : "Simard suggested Quebec follow the example of Virginia, which recently ordered a study to determine whether to lift its moratorium on uranium, only to conclude, based on scientific evidence, that the moratorium should remain in place!" Another great statement: “It’s a little bit like asbestos — people have come to the conclusion that there are certain minerals that are so dangerous that they’re not worth mining, they’re better to leave underground,” Edwards said. “One is asbestos, and one is uranium" Is the wicked Uranium Witch dead yet, no but it may be a slow death: Keep the Uranium Ban in Virginia!
QUEBEC — No permits for the exploration or mining of uranium in Quebec will
Blanchet has asked Quebec’s Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement to examine the issue of uranium development and uranium waste in general, with hearings throughout the province……Blanchet said he realizes the northern Quebec Crees of Eeyou Istchee have called for a permanent moratorium on uranium development and he hopes the Crees and other aboriginals participate in the process.
In a statement, the Crees welcomed the “moratorium,” while expressing reserves……..
Christian Simard, of the environmental groups Nature Québec and Québec meilleure mine, applauded Blanchet’s announcement, while adding that environmentalists wanted a complete halt to uranium exploration.
But Simard noted uranium prices are very low and the number of active exploration sites in Quebec now stands at about 10.
He is concerned about preliminary exploration, which can involve drilling, saying the cleanup of sites “is not always done properly.”
“I am confident at the end of this process there will be a consensus in Quebec society to say that uranium is not a mineral like the others,” Simard said. “It’s radioactive, there are problems with radioactivity in the very long term.”
Simard suggested Quebec follow the example of Virginia, which recently ordered a study to determine whether to lift its moratorium on uranium, only to conclude, based on scientific evidence, that the moratorium should remain permanent……
Blanchet’s announcement came after years of lobbying by environmental groups and communities across Quebec. More than 300 communities have passed resolutions calling for a uranium moratorium. In 2009, more than 20 doctors in Sept-Îles threatened to quit their jobs and leave Quebec unless a moratorium was put in place.
There are so many concerns about uranium that Quebec should enact a permanent moratorium, said Gordon Edwards, president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.
“It’s a little bit like asbestos — people have come to the conclusion that there are certain minerals that are so dangerous that they’re not worth mining, they’re better to leave underground,” Edwards said. “One is asbestos, and one is uranium
Virginia Energy Comments on Quebec Uranium Study |
Mar 28, 2013 | |
NR:13-04 Virginia Energy Resources Inc. (TSX.V: VUI; OTCQX: VEGYF) ("Virginia Energy" or the "Company") has learned that the Government of Quebec will conduct an impact study on the exploration and development of uranium in the province. The Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) has been given a mandate to conduct the study starting next fall. In the meantime, the Government says that no certificate of authorization will be issued for the exploration or development of uranium in Quebec until the study is completed. Further exploration on Virginia Energy's Otish Mountains uranium project will remain on hold while the Quebec government undertakes this evaluation. However, Virginia Energy is confident that this study will show that uranium exploration and mining can be done safely and in a way that protects the environment, as has been demonstrated by decades of uranium mining experience in Saskatchewan, and similar recent studies around the world. http://www.virginiaenergyresources.com/s/NewsReleases.asp?ReportID=578295&_Type=News-Releases&_Title=Virginia-Energy-Comments-on-Quebec-Uranium-Study http://www.4-traders.com/VIRGINIA-ENERGY-RESOURCES-12168485/news/Virginia-Energy-Resources-Inc-Virginia-Energy-Comments-on-Quebec-Uranium-Study-16589132/ |