Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11: Pray for Japan, still suffering: 311: Surviving Japan /Fukushima NHK Documentary: "A Town Torn Apart" /10 Most Radioactive Places on Earth

311: Surviving Japan

LIMITED RELEASE World Premiere - 3.11.13 The lingering effects of the March 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disasters are captured by filmmaker Christopher Noland---an American living and working in Tokyo during the catastrophic events, who volunteered for the cleanup in Northeastern Japan, documenting true stories from those affected by the disaster. The only film of its kind takes an indepth, critical look at the mismanagement of the nuclear crisis and tsunami relief efforts by corporations, the U.S and Japanese governments, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), drawing questions on the future of nuclear power in the 21st century.

Published on Feb 17, 2013
Voices from 3.11: A Town Torn Apart; Namie, Fukushima Prefecture

Namie, in Fukushima Prefecture, was hit by a tsunami after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

A day later, people within a 10-kilometer radius of the local nuclear power plant had to evacuate before they could search for lost family members. It was more than a month before the search began.

Survivors couldn't identify bodies that had been lying outside for so long. They're wracked with guilt for being unable to perform proper burial rites.

This program highlights their heart-wrenching experience.

The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry

Japan Radiation Map

Japan Earthquakes

People's Voices/Words of Support

10 Most Radioactive Places on Earth

While the 2011 earthquake and worries surrounding Fukushima have brought the threat of radioactivity back into the public consciousness, many people still don't realize that radioactive contamination is a worldwide danger. Radionuclides are in the top six toxic threats as listed in the 2010 report by The Blacksmith Institute, an NGO dedicated to tackling pollution. You might be surprised by the locations of some of the world’s most radioactive places — and thus the number of people living in fear of the effects radiation could have on them and their children.

10. Hanford, USA

The Hanford Site, in Washington, was an integral part of the US atomic bomb project, manufacturing plutonium for the first nuclear bomb and "Fat Man," used at Nagasaki. As the Cold War waged on, it ramped up production, supplying plutonium for most of America's 60,000 nuclear weapons. Although decommissioned, it still holds two thirds of the volume of the country’s high-level radioactive waste — about 53 million gallons of liquid waste, 25 million cubic feet of solid waste and 200 square miles of contaminated groundwater underneath the area, making it the most contaminated site in the US. The environmental devastation of this area makes it clear that the threat of radioactivity is not simply something that will arrive in a missile attack, but could be lurking in the heart of your own country.

Mayak, in Russia's

The industrial complex of Mayak, in Russia's north-east, has had a nuclear plant for decades, and in 1957 was the site of one of the world’s worst nuclear accidents. Up to 100 tons of radioactive waste were released by an explosion, contaminating a massive area. The explosion was kept under wraps until the 1980s. Starting in the 1950s, waste from the plant was dumped in the surrounding area and into Lake Karachay. This has led to contamination of the water supply that thousands rely on daily. Experts believe that Karachay may be the most radioactive place in the world, and over 400,000 people have been exposed to radiation from the plant as a result of the various serious incidents that have occurred — including fires and deadly dust storms. The natural beauty of Lake Karachay belies its deadly pollutants, with the radiation levels where radioactive waste flows into its waters enough to give a man a fatal dose within an hour.

6. Sellafield, UK

Located on the west coast of England, Sellafield was originally a plutonium production facility for nuclear bombs, but then moved into commercial territory. Since the start of its operation, hundreds of accidents have occurred at the plant, and around two thirds of the buildings themselves are now classified as nuclear waste. The plant releases some 8 million liters of contaminated waste into the sea on a daily basis, making the Irish Sea the most radioactive sea in the world. England is known for its green fields and rolling landscapes, but nestled in the heart of this industrialized nation is a toxic, accident-prone facility, spewing dangerous waste into the oceans of the world.

5. Siberian Chemical Combine, Russia

Mayak is not the only contaminated site in Russia; Siberia is home to a chemical facility that contains over four decades' worth of nuclear waste. Liquid waste is stored in uncovered pools and poorly maintained containers hold over 125,000 tons of solid waste, while underground storage has the potential to leak to groundwater. Wind and rain have spread the contamination to wildlife and the surrounding area. And various minor accidents have led to plutonium going missing and explosions spreading radiation. While the snowy landscape may look pristine and immaculate, the facts make clear the true level of pollution to be found here.

2. Chernobyl, Ukraine

Home to one of the world’s worst and most infamous nuclear accidents, Chernobyl is still heavily contaminated, despite the fact that a small number of people are now allowed into the area for a limited amount of time. The notorious accident caused over 6 million people to be exposed to radiation, and estimates as to the number of deaths that will eventually occur due to the Chernobyl accident range from 4,000 to as high as 93,000. The accident released 100 times more radiation than the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs. Belarus absorbed 70 percent of the radiation, and its citizens have been dealing with increased cancer incidence ever since. Even today, the word Chernobyl conjures up horrifying images of human suffering.

1. Fukushima, Japan

The 2011 earthquake and tsunami was a tragedy that destroyed homes and lives, but the effects of the Fukushima nuclear power plant may be the most long-lasting danger. The worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, the incident caused meltdown of three of the six reactors, leaking radiation into the surrounding area and the sea, such that radiative material has been detected as far as 200 miles from the plant. As the incident and its ramifications are still unfolding, the true scale of the environmental impact is still unknown. The world may still be feeling the effects of this disaster for generations to come.

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Operation Tomodachi (Japanese for "friendship) Excellent Video.. Uploaded on Mar 18, 2011 The Department of Defense is offering assistance following the devestating natural disasters in Japan. Operation Tomodachi (Japanese for "Firendship) involves 14 U.S. Navy ships, more than 100 aircraft and thousands of of U.S. Service members either assisting or prepared to assist the Japanese people. This video shows some of the things they are doing. If you like this video take a look at some of the over 2500+ other videos with 13.7 million views on this channel!. You can also find us on FaceBook at "military videos" and Twitter at "3rdID8487". Operation Tomodachi C-17 Suppliy Airlift Uploaded on Mar 15, 2011 This is the initial airlift of USAID, Search and rescue, and FEMA supplies to Japan by C-17. 3 Airlift Sq, Dover AFB, Del. performed the airlift originating at Andrews AFB with a 15 hour non-stop flight to Misawa AB, Japan. The flight required aerial refueling (A/R, unit not known). Misawa AB personnel downloaded the gear at Misawa. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Nicholas Books, If you like this video take a look at some of the over 2400+ other videos with 13.3+ million views on this channel!. You can also follow us Facebook now! Search the name "Military Videos" we are adding photos from the Frontlines also!! Also on Twitter at "3rdID8487"!! Fears of Nuclear Meltdown in Japan 3/12/2011 Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku discusses the dangers posed by the nuclear plant. US military EVACUATING JAPAN - nuclear reactor meltdown reaction Uploaded on Mar 17, 2011 US military is evacuating women and children of military families first. The just announced 2 hours ago. Story below: U.S. to evacuate Americans out of Japan Voluntary evacuation offered to family members and dependents of U.S. personnel Thursday Mar 17, 2011 12:31:58 EDT WASHINGTON — The United States has authorized the first evacuations of Americans out of Japan, taking a tougher stand on the deepening nuclear crisis and warning U.S. citizens to defer all non-essential travel to any part of the country as unpredictable weather and wind conditions risked spreading radioactive contamination. The U.S. is doing minute-by-minute analysis of the fast-moving situation, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday. Passengers and cargo arriving from Japan are being screened for radiation "in an exercise of caution," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Thursday. She said no harmful levels of radiation had been detected. President Obama planned to make remarks on the crisis later in the day. On Wednesday, Obama placed a telephone call to Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Wednesday to discuss Japan's efforts to recover from last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami, and the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Dai-chi plant. Obama promised Kan that the U.S. would offer constant support for its close friend and ally, and "expressed his extraordinary admiration for the character and resolve of the Japanese people," the White House said. But a hastily organized teleconference late Wednesday with officials from the State and Energy Departments underscored the administration's concerns. The travel warning extends to U.S. citizens already in the country and urges them to consider leaving. The authorized departure offers voluntary evacuation to family members and dependents of U.S. personnel in Tokyo, Yokohama and Nagoya and affects some 600 people. READ MORE: US Military ordered to stay 50 Miles away from Japan Nuclear Reactor Uploaded on Mar 16, 2011 The U.S. military on Wednesday ordered troops to stay at least 50 miles away from a crippled Japanese nuclear power plant and started prescribing medication ahead of higher-risk missions amid growing concerns about radiation. The Pentagon said Japan's escalating nuclear crisis would not stop its massive relief operation, which has seen 14 U.S. warships take position offshore to ferry food and water to survivors of last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami. Still, there is anxiety at U.S. bases in Japan about exposure to radiation. The U.S. Navy has advised families on two U.S. bases to limit outdoor activities and shut off external ventilation after detecting higher-than-normal doses of radiation. U.S. officials in Washington, meanwhile, warned that the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in northeastern Japan may be on the verge of spewing more radioactive material because water was gone from a storage pool that keeps spent nuclear fuel rods from overheating. The troubles at several of the plant's reactors were set off when last week's earthquake and tsunami knocked out power and ruined backup generators needed for their cooling systems, adding a major nuclear crisis for Japan as it dealt with twin natural disasters that killed more than 10,000 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless. U.S. TO EVACUATE 87,000 MILITARY DEPENDENTS FROM JAPAN 3-21-2011 Uploaded on Mar 20, 2011 The U.S. military is preparing for the voluntary evacuation of up to 87,000 people, including military dependents. Troops and families at several bases have received dire warnings to stay indoors if possible and to "secure eternal ventilation systems as much as practical." That included Navy bases at Yokosuka and Atsugi, about 180 miles south of the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. About 6,700 people are expected to arrive at SeaTac and 8,000 at Lewis-McChord, the USO said. The USO centers will act as a hub for military support.