The comment comes as Thousands of people in Mali have been forced to flee their homes amid the French war, which involved some 3,500 troops on the ground supported by warplanes, helicopters and armored vehicles.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said more than 5,000 Malian refugees have arrived in Mauritania alone since January 11, when France launched the war under the pretext of halting the advance of the fighters in the African country.
Analysts believe behind the military campaign are Mali’s untapped resources, including oil, gold, as well as the uranium in the region.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Douglas Degroot in Leesburg with the Executive Intelligence Review weekly magazine. A rough transcription of the interview follows. …….
The initial thing it seems to be trying to preserve their access to the uranium in Niger and that’s why they are trying to get Niger and Mali stabilized whether they can even do that of course is also a question ….