Thousands of people in the vicinity of the proposed uranium mine and downstream communities like Norfolk, whose drinking water and environment would be at risk of radioactive poisoning, have spoken, and the General Assembly acted to keep the ban in place.
For McDonnell to even consider flaunting the will of the people by "instruct(ing) state agencies to draft possible mining regulations anyway," is an affront to democratic principles and makes a mockery of his role as a public servant of the people not profit driven non-person corporations.
That's why I created a petition to Governor McDonnell, The Virginia State House, and The Virginia State Senate.
Please sign this petition, if you have not already done so and distribute it to your social networks. Click here:
Also still call and email the Gov Bob and ask him to keep the ban:
While you’re at it, call Governor Bob McDonnell (804-786-2211) or email to let him know you hope he will respect the legislature’s decision and declare the debate of uranium mining over.: