Keep the Ban on Uranium Mining in Virginia
STOP SB 1353
When: Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 1 pm
Where: Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, General Assembly Building,
Senate Room A, First Floor, E. Grace St. & N. 9th St., Richmond, VA 23219
What: SB 1353, Senator Watkins' bill to lift the ban on uranium is up on Thursday, Jan 31. If we can stop this bill in Senate Agriculture, we've got a good chance of defeating this legislation in 2013! What is why your presence is so important. More details can be found at: and ,
Contact: Corrina Beall, Sierra Club, (804)687-8108
STOP SB 1353
When: Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 1 pm
Where: Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, General Assembly Building,
Senate Room A, First Floor, E. Grace St. & N. 9th St., Richmond, VA 23219
What: SB 1353, Senator Watkins' bill to lift the ban on uranium is up on Thursday, Jan 31. If we can stop this bill in Senate Agriculture, we've got a good chance of defeating this legislation in 2013! What is why your presence is so important. More details can be found at: and ,
Contact: Corrina Beall, Sierra Club, (804)687-8108
Uranium Talking points and Supporting Materials
We hope to see you in Richmond Thursday,
Keep the Ban Team
Please take one minute RIGHT NOW to call your state Senator and urge him or her to protect Virginia's 30-year ban on uranium mining by opposing Senate Bill 1353.:
For the last 30 years, we have been protected by Virginia’s ban on uranium mining. This ban has kept dangerous chemicals and radioactive waste out of our communities and our environment.
Members of the Virginia Senate will vote this week to keep or dismantle this important safeguard.
Please take one minute RIGHT NOW to call your state Senator and urge him or her to protect Virginia's 30-year ban on uranium mining by opposing Senate Bill 1353.:
SB 1353 Uranium; establishes process for DMME to issue permits for mining of uranium ore, report. introduced by: John C. Watkins | Richard L. Saslaw
Find your state Senator's contact information here and call him or her right away.
The vote that is happening on Thursday will be in the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee. And the vote will be very very close! If the bill makes it to a floor vote, your Senator's vote could be the one that keeps the ban...and your phone call today could be the one that makes all the difference! Call and urge your Senator to vote NO on Senate Bill 1353 right now.
After you make your call, please consider attending the Committee hearing. The safety of our public health and environment are counting on your voice. Be heard on Thursday! Here are the details:
Thursday, January 31
Approximate Start Time: 12:30 pm
Senate Room B of the General Assembly Building
9th and Broad Streets, enter from Capitol Square
Richmond, VA 23219
Approximate Start Time: 12:30 pm
Senate Room B of the General Assembly Building
9th and Broad Streets, enter from Capitol Square
Richmond, VA 23219
For more information on uranium mining and the threats to our health, environment and economy, visit our Keep The Ban website.