Saturday, January 26, 2013

Talking Points: Uranium mining and milling in Virginia: Questionable benefits, unacceptable risks

Comment:   Pittsylvania County passed a Resolution to Keep the Ban:  62,844 population (2011)

Uranium mining and milling in Virginia:  Questionable benefits, unacceptable risks:  Oppose: SB 1353/HB2330 & SB919/1804

Unacceptable Risks to Drinking Water and Public Health


A spill or leak at the proposed Coles Hill uranium mine could contaminate drinking water as far east as Virginia Beach.Uranium ingestion is strongly associated with kidney disease and daughter products of uranium include known carcinogens like radon and radium.1
Approximately 85% of the radioactivity present in the ore would remain in the waste, known as "tailings," and morethan 100 tons of this waste would be stored on site in perpetuity. During the process of mining, much of this waste would be exposed to the elements.2
Southern Virginia is susceptible to hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes, all of which elevate risk of a leak or spill.
Unacceptable Risks to Our Economy

In a survey of Virginia business owners commissioned by the governor's Uranium Working Group and released today Jan. 15, 2013, a majority of respondents supported keeping the ban and felt mining would have a negative effect on their business's revenues.
As recently as October, 2012, two uranium mines in southeast Utah were shut down and placed on standby, resulting in 40 layoffs. A spokesman for the owner, Energy Fuels, cited low uranium prices3
Chmura Economics and Analytics found that in the worst-case scenario uranium mining would cost Virginia an $11 billion loss (versus a $6 billion benefit in the best-case scenario). Furthermore, the best-case scenario assumed a price of $60 per pound for yellowcake. As of January 8, 2013, the spot price for uranium was $43.50.4
Southern Virginia and Hampton Roads Have Said “No”

The six legislators who represent Pittsylvania County and neighboring jurisdictions sent a letter to their colleagues voicing opposition to mining and seeking support for keeping the ban.5
Following an independent study on the risk a mining accident would pose to Hampton Roads’ drinking water, the city councils of Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Chesapeake each voted to support keeping the ban 6
It is insufficient to rely on local land-use oversight. The impact of a mine and mill will be felt in neighboring jurisdictions and downstream. The General Assembly is the proper forum to debate the wisdom of uranium mining in Virginia, because all affected communities are represented.
Uranium Mining is Not a Path to Energy Independence

The resulting yellowcake would be sold to the highest bidder via long-term contracts or the spot market. There is no guarantee the buyer will be a U.S. company, nor is there any guarantee that current owners will maintain a majority stake in Virginia Uranium, Inc., which is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The yellowcake is not needed to keep Virginia's nuclear power stations running, nor will mining affect electricity prices (hence the power station operators have not requested or endorsed mining).

Footnotes: ,, , , ,


Cities and Counties with Resolutions of Support for Virginia’s Uranium Mining Moratorium as of Jan. 15, 2012

Brunswick County, VA 17204

City of Charlottesville, VA 43,511

City of Chesapeake, VA 225,050*

City of Danville, VA 42,852

City of Martinsville, VA 13,559

City of Norfolk, VA 242,628*

City of Portsmouth, VA 95,684*

City of Roanoke, VA 96,714

City of Suffolk, VA 84,930*

City of Virginia Beach, VA 442,707

Fauquier County, VA 66,071

Floyd County, VA 15,378

Halifax County, VA 36,056

Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, VA 1,663,070

Madison County, VA 13,169

Mecklenburg County, VA 32,622

Orange County, VA 33,938

Patrick County, VA 18,390 
Rappahannock County, VA 7,444

Roanoke County, VA 92,740

Southampton County, VA 18,408*

Town of Clarksville, VA 1,139

Town of Halifax, VA 1,389

Town of Middleburg, VA 701

Town of Orange, VA 4721

Town of South Boston, VA 8142

Virginia 2,166,533

*HRPDC localities were

City of Creedmoor, NC 4124 not double-counted

City of Henderson, NC 15,330

City of Oxford, NC 8,469

Granville County, NC 59,976

Halifax County, NC 54,173

Town of Butner, NC 7,598

Town of Franklinton, NC 2023

Town of Louisburg, NC 3359

Town of Macon, NC 119

Town of Warrenton, NC 862

Town of Williamston, NC 5,440

Vance County, NC 45,307

Warren County, NC 20,861

Washington County, NC 12,973

Total 2,407,147

Other Resolutions:

Danville PIttsylvania, VA Chamber of Commerce

Garden Club of Virginia

Halifax County, VA Chamber of Commerce

NAACP Virginia State Conference

National Wildlife Federation

Roanoke River Bi-State Commission

United Methodist Conference of Virginia

Virginia Association of Counties

Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Virginia Bass Federation

Virginia Council Troup Unlimited

Virginia Farm Bureau Federation

Virginia Municipal League

Keep the Ban on Uranium Mining

Call your legislators in their Capitol Offices today and ask them to OPPOSE Senator Watkins Bill SB919 and OPPOSE Delegate Millers Bill HB1804. and OPPOSE Delegate Miller’s Bill HB2330 and OPPOSE Senator Watkins Bill SB1353. [Talking Points]
  • Find out the name and contact information for your legislator
  • HB1804 establishes a three percent state severance tax on the gross receipts of any uranium severed from the earth in the Commonwealth.
  • SB919 establishes a three percent state severance tax on the gross receipts of any uranium severed from the earth in the Commonwealth.
  • HB2330 establishes a process for the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) to issue permits for the mining of uranium ore.
  • SB1353 establishes a process for the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) to issue permits for the mining of uranium ore.
  • Talking Points