Talvivaara is listed in London.
Thousand kilogrammes of uranium in soluble form on the terrain: massive risk to health and the environment
Even the visible state of the land around the mine reveals the extent of the disaster at Talvivaara. At least 100 hectares (approx 250 acres) of marshland, streams, lakes and ponds have been polluted by the discharges of waste waters containing uranium and heavy metals. Through heavy application of lime up to a thousand kilogrammes of liquid uranium has accumulated as sediment in the grounds and vegetation of the area. See http://www.stoptalvivaara.org/fi/release27112012.html.
Talvivaara postpones mining restart at Finland plant
Nickel miner Talvivaara postponed the restart of mining in Sotkamo, Eastern Finland by half a year to mid-2013, raising concern over its future metals production. The Finnish company, which pioneered a technique to extract nickel using bacteria, has been hit by a series of problems in the past year, including waste water leakage, production disruptions and the death of a worker. See http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/content/en/mineweb-fast-news?oid=164319&sn=Detail.

Chronology of the latest incidents, starting from the latest (third) gypsum pond leak, at http://www.stoptalvivaara.org/fi/newsstream.html.
Summary in English can be found at http://www.helladelicious.com/blog/stories-and-news/2012/04/talvivaara-a-fin nish-environmental-crime-company/.