Monday, July 9, 2012

Special Uranium Mining meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors

There will be a special meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on Monday, July 9th at 7pm at the General District Court in Chatham.

Supervisors organized the forum to hear suggestions from residents regarding actions the board should take to protect the health and welfare of residents. If you reside in Pittsylvania County, please make plans to attend.

It is critically important that you let the Pittsylvania Board of Supervisors know that their constituents oppose uranium mining.

Only Pittsylvania residents can speak, and each will be allowed to comment for four minutes. Individuals will be required to sign a roster indicating that they wish to speak.

For more information about the citizens’ forum, contact Marshall Ecker at (434) 335-5967 or or
Banister Supervisor Jessie Barksdale at (434) 432-2124 or

Please make plans to attend.

Virginia Uranium Inc. seeks to mine and mill a 119-million pound uranium ore deposit at Coles Hill, about six miles northeast of Chatham. Virginia has had a moratorium on uranium mining and milling since 1982.

The board of supervisors so far has done little regarding uranium mining except pass a resolution in 2009 calling for a study to determine that no harm will come to the county, its businesses, institutions, environment or residents before the moratorium is lifted and Virginia Uranium Inc. plans are approved.

The National Academy of Sciences completed a study on the technical aspects of uranium mining and milling in December 2011. Several other studies have taken place studying the socioeconomic aspects of uranium mining and milling.

The General Assembly is expected to review and consider study results before deciding whether to lift the ban