Monday, June 4, 2012

U.S. Gov Moves Forward with Atlantic Wind Connection Project

Comments:  I can live with this energy  to make VA Energy Capital of the World but cannot live with uranium mining and milling to fuel a bunch of expensive killing nuke plants!

Tiffany Kaiser - May 15, 2012 4:37 PM

(Source: Google Blog)
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management could issue its first permit for a wind farm by the latter part of 2012

The U.S. Interior Department gave the green light for project sponsors to begin work on a wind power transmission line on the ocean floor along the northeast United States.

The proposed transmission line, known as the Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC), is a backbone transmission project that aims to service off-shore wind farms. AWC is expected to span from southern Virginia to northern New Jersey. It was proposed by Trans-Elect Development Company and has a list of sponsors including Google, New York-based Good Energies II, Japanese company Marubeni Corporation, and Belgian transmission operator Elia.

AWC was proposed as a solution to grid congestion in the Northeast. With a wind power transmission line, customers with high electricity bills in northern New Jersey can receive monthly price cuts thanks to electricity brought from low-cost locations like southern Virginia.

"There's at least a billion dollars a year that ratepayers are paying extra just because of congestion," said Robert L. Mitchell, CEO of Trans-Elect Development Company. "Our line, even the first leg of it, will make a contribution to reducing that."

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