Thursday, June 21, 2012

Uranium mining: one huge risk

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Comments:  Great Letter, so true, Keep the Uranium Mining Ban!

To the editor:

The thought that uranium mining will enhance the economic welfare of the region is an ill-conceived notion. It will not, except for a fortunate few shareholders.

In all likelihood it will cause irreparable harm.

With active uranium mining:
» What business would locate its employees, management and facilities in possible harm’s way?
» What parent would place their children at Hargrave or Chatham Hall with uranium being mined nearby?
» What family would choose to purchase property near a risky mining operation?

In all probability, all the answers are none. Who would locate any loved one, any factory, any business, any home near possible radioactive contamination?

This is risk taking. Parents, CEOs and decision makers want to avoid risk, not seek it. Uranium mining will not enhance local economic well-being — sorry to say.