Sunday, June 24, 2012

MiningWatch Alerts in Canada

Old mine car, 700 Mine area, Monument Hill, Keno City, Yukon, Canada.

Comments:  Canada's people do not want mining either!

Across Canada, communities and Aboriginal governments are saying they have had enough when it comes to the privileged access mining has to land under the existing system, which grants “free entry” to prospectors and mining companies under the assumption the mining is the “highest and best” use of land. Globally, communities are demanding a say in their own futures, and Indigenous peoples in particular are increasingly demanding free, prior, informed consent for development projects that will affect them.

MiningWatch Welcomes Cree Call for Uranium Moratorium
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
News release: Chief Richard Shecapio of the Mistissini Cree called on the Nuclear Safety Commission to turn down Strateco Resources’ request for a licence to construct a test mine and called for a moratorium on all uranium projects in the Cree territory of Eeyou Istchee and across Quebec, saying Mistissini will do ‘whatever it takes’ to interrupt this project and stop uranium mining in the region.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
A major mining boom is underway in Keno, as in other parts of the Yukon, driven by high mineral prices. But a boom that’s good for exploration and mining companies can have an underside for communities. The pace of development surrounding Keno is creating conditions that one resident says is like “being trapped in a living hell.” The noise, dust, huge trucks rumbling through town and concerns over exposure to toxic by-products paint a not-so quaint picture of a contemporary mining town.

ACTION ALERT: Budget Omnibus Bill C-38 Will Shred Canada’s Environmental Assessment Law (Among Many Other Things)

The Harper Government is trying to gut the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
Tell the Conservatives that Canada’s environment matters – and environmental laws matter.
Tell Prime Minister Harper, Environment Minister Kent, and Natural Resources Minister Oliver we won’t accept shoddy “streamlined” public reviews and destructive megaprojects – even if they change the law to allow them to proceed.
The Harper Government has introduced an Omnibus Budget Implementation Bill, C-38, which will actually repeal the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and replace it with a crude hand-drawn facsimile of a real federal environmental assessment process.

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