Saturday, June 2, 2012

McDonnell’s uranium mining study a subversion of the democratic process in VA

Gov Bob's Uranium Working Group has won the Closed Door Award for Govt

Comment:  Again the VA Uranium Working Group has the door glued shut with hiring Wright Environmental Services (Mr. Wright worked for Uranium One and other mining companies until the Russians bought U1, formed this company, only 10 months old). Uranium Company on May 21 but only posted over the Memorial Day Weekend on their website.  The Gov's Uranium Working Group site:  Also, I have sent emails to the group 3x, no answer.  The Gov's Uranium Working Group is a closed govt agency working for the Uranium Mining and Nuclear Power groups at the expense of Open Govt and the Cost was $500,000 at VA taxpayers expese.  Keep the Uranium Mining Ban!

May 31, 2012
Richmond Progressive Examiner

The McDonnell administration has begun its examination of how Coles Hill uranium can be mined.[2]

But not only is this examination being done “behind closed doors,” the examination itself is setting in motion a number of gears that in and of itself will favor the go-ahead for the mining of uranium before any official decision is formally made.

At the behest of Gov. McDonnell in January, Virginia undertook an additional study regarding the impacts of mining uranium in southern Virginia before the General Assembly took a vote on lifting the uranium mining ban.

What this study in fact did was stall the democratic process while Gov. McDonnell and his allies, that stand to benefit from mining uranium in Virginia, work the political system in their favor.

With a potential $10 billion worth of uranium deposits on the line, you can bet that those who stand to gain won’t allow the pesky democratic process to impede their windfall profits, or so they hope.

Virginia ...

As the director of the Virginia Sierra Club, Glen Besa, concluded, “The outcome is already known.”

Fortunately, the fate of uranium mining in Virginia has not been decided just yet.

... utili...
Flooding at Ranger Uranium Mine

Many Virginian’s know what’s at stake, including their entire way of life, and aren’t about to lie down and let the McDonnell administration subvert the democratic process for their own economic and political gain