Saturday, June 16, 2012

Attorney urges Wyoming energy companies to use new work safety consultants

Comments:  Please Gov Bob and his hand pick Uranium Working Group, take notice of the following statement:  "hoping to stem the state’s high rate of worker deaths, " Maybe the so call Uranium Mining Best Practice  is not working or does it exist?  Keep the Uranium Mining Ban!

By JEREMY FUGLEBERG Star-Tribune energy | Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:00 am

the wake of the question, the silence deafened.

“Has anyone taken advantage of the workplace safety consultation program?” Holland & Hart lawyer Trey Overdyke asked.

No hands. One man seated in the front of a safety conference in Casper mumbled something, then spoke up after Overdyke prompted him
“Yes,” repeated the man, one of more than 150 workers from coal and uranium mining firms and oil and natural gas operators who attended the conference.

Powered by recent legislation and hoping to stem the state’s high rate of worker deaths,

Wyoming is striving to promote the work safety consultations — no-fault inspections by state Occupational Safety and Health Administration consultants invited to work sites.

But as the attendees at the safety conference showed, employers in the state don’t commonly take advantage of the program.