Saturday, May 26, 2012

Uranium side effects unknown

To the editor:

Here’s my recipe for disaster.

1) An apathetic public
2) 1 Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
3) 1 Department of Environmental Quality
4) 1 Department of Health and Human Resources
5) 1 Uranium mining and milling company.
6) 1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
7) 1 Uranium Working Group (UWG)
8) An agreement State Status

Gather an apathetic public. Arrange in Southside.

Combine ingredients 2 through 5, remembering to include ignorance regarding experience with uranium mining in Virginia.

Slowly pour NRC and its inexperience regarding uranium milling in Virginia into the mixture.
Mum’s the word. Secretly add as much Uranium Working Group as you need to prevent transparency of the mixture.

If mixture retains any transparency after adding UWG, fold in Agreement State status.
Use collusive governor, and spread mixture over apathetic public.

Can be served hot or cold. Bon appétit!
