Thursday, May 24, 2012

Keep the Uranium Mining Ban in VA but listen to Video

Comments:  Not pushing the video for mining but listen to the video for the following info, keep the uranium mining ban, these guys are weird:

1.  Lots of uranium around, no shortage

2.  She compares uranium mining just like other mining but uranium mining has more radon gas

3.  Listen to problems of the uranium mill: uses lots of water

4.  One strange comment:  She talks about processing uranium in an underground uranium mining in Canada.... she does not talk about u mining in US process

5.  Listen to the companies for conversion and how they sell the uranium across the world

6.  Process the uranium, lots of dangerous chemicals, think about it, where does all the chemicals go, into our water

7.  Tours of Oak Ridge, yeah.....

8.  Watch out Wilmington, NC -  you be a testing area for lasers to zap uranium, sounds bad, sits on Cape Fear River, see downtown Wilmington

9.  Love their silly cartoon