Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Great Stories about the problems of the Nuclear Cycle: Uranium Mining to nuke plants expense

Comments: This is real underground uranium mining in the US, not great, uranium dust  all over the worker's face, Geiger Counter very high, very dangerous, noisy, dark, shows them dumping the ore on the ground outside, Keep the Uranium Mining Ban in VA, we do not want our children to grow up to be Uranium Miners, who in their right minds wants u mining to happen besides the greedy investors.....Keep the Ban


Comments:  Uranium mines are sold very often, so the local/Canadian uranium mining company will be sold numerous times, this make it hard for people to sue the companies and makes it hard on who pays for the cleanup.  One way to prevent un is to demand VA leaders' to keep the Ban on Uranium mining!

Denison finalizes $110M deal to sell U.S. assets to Energy Fuels