Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Democrats Nominate Douglass for 5th Congressional District: Against Uranium Miner

Comments: One of the most important comment:   "The former General also vows to fight against uranium mining"  But the whole person, Retired General John Douglass, has more experience in the real world than Hurt.  Plus Retired General John Douglass is not controlled by the uranium mining companies like Hurt, since his daddy is invested in the uranium companies seeking to blow up the hills of Virginia for uranium ore to be shipped to China!  Please all parties, stop going with the flow, think for yourself and vote for Retired General John Douglass, a real person for the people!

Posted: May 19, 2012 6:20 PM EDT
Lovingston, VA - The race for the 5th Congressional District of Virginia is on. Democrats held their nominating convention in Nelson County on Saturday.

Retired General John Douglass is officially the party's nominee. He'll face incumbent Republican Robert Hurt this November.

About 300 Democrats traveled from all over the largest geographic district in the state.
"It's just exciting to be in a room full of Democrats who feel the same way," said Betty Zieger, Vice Chairman of Campbell Count's Democratic Committee.

Hurt trying to kill the EPA!This is just embarrassingly misleading from Hurt.The notion that EPA is going to regulate dust using the Clean Air Act is a myth, perpetrated by  Hurt.What this legislation is, pure and simple, is yet another premeditated attack on environmental and human health regulations that people like Hurt deem as “nuisances. Clear air and less asthma are not nuisances sir.

They've all come to Nelson County High School in support of one man.

"I am here to support General Douglass. He is a right-minded sane individual," said Naomi Hodge-Muse, President of Martinsville & Henry Co. NAACP.

John Douglass is a retired General with more than 35 years experience. He also served five years under Ronald Reagan's administration. Then, he stepped up as Secretary of the Navy during the Clinton years.

"He's a war hero. someone who's been inside, who's figured out how to cut government spending. while still supporting our troops and our veterans," said Tom Perriello, former Democratic Congressman from 5th District.

The former General also vows to fight against uranium mining.

It's a hot topic especially for Martinsville resident Naomi Hodge-Muse.

"Uranium mining is an abomination before God. It will poison our water and our air," said Hodge-Muse.

Besides those two hot topic issues, Douglass says he'll focus on uniting the state.

"There is no Southside, no Central, no upper Piedmont, we're all 5th district, we're all Virginians," said Douglass.

The 5th  district added three new counties earlier this year.  It's part of the state's re-districting process. Douglass actually comes from one of the new counties, Fauquier in Northern Virginia.
