Friday, April 2, 2010

Danville goes green with new solar panels on Community Market

Comment: Great idea! Better than blowing up Virginia hills for uranium mines, cheaper than Nuke Power!

Thursday, April 1, 2010 8:41 AM EDT

DANVILLE - Danville Utilities has become the first utility company in the Southside region to install a major solar power project.

Danville's Community Market at the Crossing at the Dan now features new solar photovoltaic electric generation panels on its roof. The solar panels will power the lighting and electric components of the Community Market during daylight hours.

The use of solar power combined with the planned use of LED light fixtures at the Community Market will enable the City to save an estimated 50 percent on the building's total energy costs. The panels will be used to both power the Community Market building and supplement Danville Utilities' purchased power, as the system will be directly interconnected to the Danville Utilities grid serving all customers of the system.

The project, designed and implemented by Raleigh-based Southern Energy Management, is being funded by a $202,000 grant from federal stimulus funds. The U.S. Department of Energy awarded Danville the "Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant," which was distributed to the largest cities and counties in Virginia and other states as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Congressman Tom Perriello added, "This project is one more piece of evidence that the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia is serious about finding ways to reduce its dependence on imported oil while at the same time ensuring a healthy environment for its future citizens. My thanks go to Danville for its commitment to a source of clean energy."

The solar panel system has been installed on the Community Market's existing metal roof facing the Danville Science Museum. Danville residents and visitors can clearly see the solar collector on the Community Market roof, which will serve to spark interest in the community about the effectiveness of solar and other forms of renewable energy.

"I am proud that Danville has become the home to Southern Virginia's first solar installation. I encourage every citizen to visit the Community Market and see that Danville is committed to using new and green sources of energy," stated Danville City Mayor Sherman Saunders.

The public is encouraged to attend a "Throw the Switch" event planned for Friday, April 9th at 12 noon at the Community Market. Congressman Tom Perriello will be the guest speaker for the event.

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