Thursday, March 18, 2010

Uranium study needs to look at all facts

Comment:  A great letter, Ms. Lovelace and thanks for all the work you and your husband do in fighting against uranium mining and milling!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:17 AM EDT

The uranium study has been contracted and the panel is open for anyone to make nominations.

We cannot sit back, relax and wait for the completion. The study that has been contracted is only part of the complete study agreed to by the Uranium Subcommittee of the Coal & Energy Commission and Virginia Uranium Inc.

The socio-economic aspects of uranium mining and milling (how a uranium mine and milling facility would effect our businesses, home values, industry moving in or out, farming, food production, etc. or basically "Should we mine uranium in Pittsylvania County and Virginia?") is not being done.

Due to the economy and our state's lack of funds, there is no money for the complete study.

Mr. Coles of Virginia Uranium Inc. has agreed to pay only for the first part of the study, which would provide information that is vital to his proposed operation of uranium mining and milling of uranium such as regulations, world supplies, costs etc.

We, you and I, our children and grandchildren deserve all the answers, not just what someone wants who is going to make millions and billions of dollars, maybe at our expense.

Facts worth noting:

1. The first part of the study has a deadline of Dec. 1, 2011. A delay in starting could possibly shorten the actual time needed for the study. We deserve a study that is complete and not rushed to meet a deadline of less than 18 months when initially we were told it would last at least two years.

2. No recommendations will be made to the Uranium Subcommittee by the National Academy of Science. The Uranium Subcommittee is made up of various occupations such as attorneys, insurance company owners, history teacher, retired state trooper, etc. None are scientists.

3. The part of the study being paid for by Virginia Uranium is not site specific. It is a statewide study. Virginia varies greatly in terrain, water levels, weather, temperatures, etc. and nowhere else is like Pittsylvania County.

Imagine you are to undergo surgery that has never been performed before. Would you willingly submit to the operation with only partial facts, and recommendations by non-medical professionals? You deserve the complete picture with all the best information available.

Every citizen in the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Pittsylvania County, deserves all the facts of all studies, before any type of operation concerning uranium mining and milling of uranium is undertaken.

All studies done by credible firms should be considered and included in the final outcome. It is your duty and that of our representatives to insure this is done.

Deborah Lovelace
Gretna, VA