Thursday, March 18, 2010

Depressing outlook for uranium sales: AREVA cuts back production

Comment:  Yeah, hope the prices of uranium fall in the all the open pit uranium mining across the world!  No to uranium mining and milling!

By Melissa Pistilli
Uranium Investing
News, 15 March.2010

AREVA May Cut Production Depressing uranium prices have forced French uranium miner AREVA to plan a review of its projects, which may lead to a 20 per cent cut in its 2012 output target.

Last September, the company pegged its 2012 production number at 12,000 tonnes of U308, but now says uranium prices are too low to make production costs economical.

“There will be either a halt or delays in some of the large projects,” said Sebastien de Montessus, director of AREVA’s mining unit.

Read more at great link below: