Friday, March 12, 2010

"Should Virginia allow uranium mining if a scientific study says it can be done safely?"

Comment: Thanks for all that voted for the poll above, we had two different versions so according to a person that check the newspaper, the Nay's won by 54% but the newspaper printed a different result, the reverse. So now we are requesting the paper to print a time stamp result which they may do but we won by 54 per cent! Please read the thoughts of Ms. Maute!

By Karen Maute

This is the polling question which was posed to the readership of the Chatham Star Tribune last week. The question is erroneous in that there is no study being conducted to prove or disprove the safetly of mining and
milling at this time.

Those following the poll results noticed last evening, with over 3000 votes, the percentage of people responding to the affirmative was greater.

However, this morning some early birds report that the balance had shifted and the no response had a greater percentage of votes.

Note: it is unusual to have even 400-500 to repond to the Star Trib. polls. It is unknown who
voted, from where and how many times.

The numbers used in today's printed edition of the Star Tribune showed the earlier number. Apparently, the question remained on-line and people continued to vote during the night not realizing that the poll had closed.

I can only speculate that voting occurred late so that the uranium industry would not counter.

Several have called the Star Tribune saying that a deadline for voting should have been established and published.

 Also, there is an attempt to find the true final tally of the poll.

It is likely that VUI and the uranium industry will use the printed results to further promote their agenda.

Perhaps they'll pass copies of their "victory" around at tomorrow's Energy Summit.

In all honestly, as "unscientific" as this poll was, ther results have little, perhaps no meaning.

However, it will be a shame if VUI uses this to "sell" its agenda to legislators.