Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Comments: Ace says thanks to everyone who helped with the song. It will be a sad time if Virginia allows uranium mining. The start of uranium mining will be seen as a northern invasion from Canada upon our beautiful state with the greed for uranium and their false truths for clean nuclear power! Nuclear power is not green, clean or CO2 free. The whole cycle of nuclear power is the cycle of death, from uranium mining to the nuke plant, full of carbon, full of radiation and full of liars. Demand our leaders of Virginia to enact a ban on uranium mining and milling before they "THEY PULVERIZED OLD DIXIE GROUND"!



Death and pain is my name, and I remember the Danville train
'til nukes and miners came, and blew up the earth again
in the winter of twenty five, we'll be glowing, just barely alive
much of Virginia will be dead
we wonder what in God's name was in our leaders heads

The night, they pulverized old Dixie ground
and no resident was singing
the night they pulverized old Dixie ground
and all the nukes were singing, they went

Na nana nana na, nana na nana nana na

Surrounded by a poisoned environment, when one day my husband said to me
"Dead woman, quick come see, these foreign companies, there goes the last mountain and tree"
Now I don't mind creating jobs and if taxpayers voices are no good
just treat the environment gently and leave the rest
but you should have never destroyed God's very best

The night, they pulverized old Dixie ground
and no resident was singing
the night they pulverized old Dixie ground
and all the nukes were singing, they went

Na nana nana na, nana na nana nana na

Like our fathers before us we love the land
and like our brothers' before us, against tyranny we took a stand
we were not proud but brave, when short sightedness and greed laid us all in the grave
I swear by the metals beneath my feet
you can't raise the earth back up when it's totally deplete

The night, they pulverized old Dixie ground
and no resident was singing
the night they pulverized old Dixie ground
and all the nukes were singing, they went....